It's the pulpiest of his fiction, full of gore, action, and even one-liners. Although it's certainly not his best, it remains one of his most popular tales. And some might say that's regrettable, because Lovecraft himself intended it as a parody and didn't think it was a very good piece of writing. Herbert West-Reanimator is perhaps one of Lovecraft's most famous stories, thanks to Stuart Gordon's 1985 cult classic film version: Re-Animator. Their unholy quest leads them across New England and eventually into the trenches of the Great War as West's scientific obsession degenerates into a hellish and perverse addiction to the abnormal. Herbert West, an ambitious young medical student at Miskatonic University, and his colleague embark down a path filled with dubious science and horrifying results as they endeavor to bring life back to dead bodies that they harvest from the margins of society.